Women in the Bible

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Spiritual Formation Assignment Expectations

Before you watch this video, make sure to thoroughly read the instructions for your Spiritual Formation assignment below.

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Students will write a 1,000-word essay on how this course has helped to develop further their spiritual formation. There should be specific references to class content via citations (i.e., week 3) throughout that demonstrate a direct correlation between what students learned in this course and their spiritual growth/development this sub-semester. Words beyond 1000 will not be graded.

To earn the most points: Focus on how the material we covered in this course has formed you spiritually and avoid all plot summary. Make sure to cover material from throughout the course, not just a few classes. Avoid general statements—be specific and ground your statements in specific references. (Example: avoid “This course taught me so much” and instead say “The story of _____ taught me that _____ and this impacts my spiritual development by _______.”) Use single space and Arial 10.

Grade Weight: 20% of the total grade.