Award-winning author and biblical scholar, Marina Hofman (PhD), illuminates the leadership, strength, character, and courage of women in the Bible to bring an inspirational message of hope and encouragement to all of us who must navigate today’s challenging and uncertain times.

Journey through this 8- or 16-session Bible study independently or in a small group to discover how women in the Bible respond to challenges, take bold actions to bring about justice, and overcome significant social limitations. Explore what each female character teaches us about leadership, character, courage, and the role of women in God’s plan of salvation.

Each chapter examines one woman’s story from a fresh and positive perspective and addresses faithfulness, redemption, justice, relationships, and triumph through adversity. An accompanying study guide to each women’s story provides insights and key questions to encourage thoughtful reflection and lively conversation.

Readers will be encouraged and inspired, and grow in their faith as they learn more about God’s word. ISBN: 978-1-988928-43-2

WINNER: Book of the Year for Biblical Studies & Instructional (Word Guild), Best Book Award Finalist (America Book Fest), Finalist “Christian Living-Spiritual Formation” and “Devotional” (Word Guild), Best Book Award Finalist by American Book Fest

ISBN: 978-1-988928-43-2


Introductory Note
Sarah and Hagar (Genesis 16)
Tamar (Genesis 38)
The Midwives (Exodus 1)
Rahab (Joshua 2)
Naomi and Ruth (The Book of Ruth)
Hannah (1 Samuel 1–2)
Esther (The Book of Esther)
Mary, Mother of Jesus (Luke 1)
Biography and Testimony


Begin with a short video by Marina to introduce the passage and get discussion flowing!

  • Read the background
  • Study the passage verse-by-verse with accompanying questions
  • Discuss major themes with thoughtful questions
  • Reflect on scholarly-based commentary from the author.

Chapters can be divided into two-parts: explore the passage one week, reflection on themes the second week.

Free Video Series

Watch the FREE VIDEO SERIES that accompanies the book!

The book dives deep into God's Word, and Marina shares personal reflections on how these women impact her life in the video series.

Nervous to lead a small group? Easy! Just start the video to start the session. Then, turn to the book as Marina walks through the study with questions that stir up lots of conversation!

Envisioning Your Small Group Session

The video series was created to complement the book with personal stories from the author and to spark meaningful conversation.

"I picture the leader gathering friends, meeting in a home, and definitely having food. After some fellowship, the leader calls everyone to the living room and starts the session by playing the corresponding video.

"After the video, they read the background session aloud and start working through the questions. I envision everyone in the group having something to contribute and feeing affirmed in their faith and ability to comment on Scripture. I picture everyone developing a love for Bible interpretation as they work through each chapter.

"Groups continue by discussing the questions and reflections at the end of each chapter together or wait till the following week to discuss the questions after reflecting on the passage.

"The session ends with someone reading the prayer. It would be wonderful if participants also shared their prayer requests and concerns and prayed for each other."

What are people saying?


“Dr. Hofman brings these stories to life with keen insight and a fresh perspective. Engaging and inspiring. A must read for people of faith.”

Follow @MarinaHofman on Instagram

Questions? Contact the author!

Marina Hofman, PhD, at