Women in the Bible
Small Group Bible Study

Author and biblical scholar, Marina Hofman (PhD), illuminates the leadership, strength, character, and courage of women in the Bible to bring an inspirational message of hope and encouragement to all of us navigating today’s challenges.


Journey through eight Bible studies independently or in a small group to discover how women in the Bible respond to challenges, take bold actions to bring about justice, and overcome significant social limitations. Explore what each female character teaches us about leadership, character, and the role of women in God’s plan of salvation and navigating challenging times.

Women in the study:

  1. Sarah and Hagar (Genesis 16); 2. Tamar (Genesis 38); 3. The Midwives (Exodus 1); 4. Rahab (Joshua 2); 5. Naomi and Ruth (The Book of Ruth); 6. Hannah (1 Samuel 1–2); 7. Esther (The Book of Esther); 8. Mary, Mother of Jesus (Luke 1).


  • Start with the ice breaker
  • Watch the free video series (or assign it for homework)
  • Read the background together
  • Study the passage verse-by-verse with accompanying questions
  • Discuss major themes with thoughtful questions
  • Reflect on scholarly-based commentary from the author
  • Close with the prayer or say your own prayer
    (Each chapter can be split into two sessions or completed as one.)

Author marina hofman:

Marina Hofman (PhD, theology) is an award-winning author, biblical scholar, and speaker. She teaches at Palm Beach Atlantic University, and has led women's conferences in the United States, Canada, South America, and Africa. Her platform is giving a voice to women in the Bible, and she is a frequent media guest providing biblical perspectives of current issues, women's issues, and parenting. Marina is a homeschool mom of a 3-year-old, a survivor of a life-threatening trauma, and a champion for women. She brings fresh insights and an engaging style that inspires listeners to personally connect with stories of women in the Bible. The perspective Marina offers is positive, encouraging, and life-giving. Hofman is published in the fields of biblical studies, theology, psychology, trauma, education, ministry, and ethics.

Contact Marina directly at marinahofman@gmail.com

For a bulk order discount, contact the publisher directly at info@castlequaybooks.com

Video Series: Easy! Start small group sessions with a FREE, ad-free, 7-minute video.
The author reflects on how she personally connects to women in the Bible and the ways these stories have impacted her life.


Copyright statement: This chapter is distributed free of charge but the content remains copyright. You are free to use this file for personal study and small groups, but any content used elsewhere must be cited. To use more than 5% of this content, you must obtain permission from the publisher. Citation: Hofman, Marina. Women in the Bible Small Group Bible Study. (Burlington: Castle Quay Books, 2021).