An in-depth study of women in the Bible alongside critical reflection on calling and identity from a biblical worldview.
High school credit and SEU dual enrollment for university credit!
“My heart is to help youth to internalize their high calling and identity in Christ by studying how this played out in the stories of women in the Bible.
“At a time when youth feel confused, anxious, and inadequate, this course illuminates the leadership, strength, character, and courage of women in the Bible to instill a message of hope and affirmation in youth.”
Course Basics
Every week, we analyze Bible passages and characterization of women in the Bible alongside critical reflection on issues of vocational calling, identity, and the role of women in the Church today. Classes provide interactive lectures with class discussion.
- ONLINE format, on your time eight-week interactive course with student participation and engagement
- COST: Classical Conversations+ and Southeastern University dual enrollment courses are administered through Southeastern University (course cost $500)
NAME: Marina Hofman, PhD
EMAIL: (email me for my cell number)
SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram @marinahofman
Bio: Marina Hofman (PhD, theology) is a professor at Southeastern University and Palm Beach Atlantic University in Bible and Theology. She has a post-doctorate certificate in teaching. Her publications on women in the Bible have won multiple national awards for fresh insights and an engaging style. She is published in biblical studies, theology, psychology, trauma, education, ministry, and ethics.
As a survivor of a life-threatening trauma, Marina is passionate about sharing her incredible testimony of God’s redemption and healing and her hope in Christ. Marina is a homeschool mom of a 4-year-old, resident of Palm Beach County, and president of Partners For Family Values in Palm Beach County.
Course Overview
This course overviews women in the Bible and relates key issues to the contemporary Church and Christian faith. Special attention is given to the basic background of women in ancient Near Eastern and Greco-Roman cultural, political, and religious contexts. Students will engage in critical reflection concerning important theological issues of vocational calling, identity, and the role of women in the Church today.
This in-depth study and analysis of Bible narratives demonstrates how women in the Bible respond to challenges, take bold actions to bring about justice, and overcome significant social limitations. This course explores what female characters in the Bible teach us about leadership, character, courage, and the role of women in God’s plan of salvation. Insights from women in the Bible can encourage women today as they explore God’s call on their lives and their role in God’s kingdom today.
The purpose of this course is to introduce, reinforce, and measure learning on the following topics:
· Narratives and characterization of women in the Bible
· Literary features and nuances of biblical narrative
· Theological issues of vocational calling, identity, and the role of women
· Basic background context of women in ancient Near Eastern and Greco-Roman culture, politics, and religion
· The role of women in the contemporary Church and Christian faith
1. Comprehend an overall knowledge of the narratives of women in the Bible to form a biblical perspective on women in the Bible.
2. Comprehend literary features and nuances of biblical narrative to gain tools to analyze all Bible narratives.
3. Analyze important theological issues of vocational calling, identity, and the role of women to form an understanding of God’s call on women today, identity in God, and the role of women in the contemporary Church and Christian faith.
4. Comprehend the basic background context of women in ancient Near Eastern and Greco-Roman culture, politics, and religion to understand women of the Bible in their ancient context.
5. Apply the ideas in the narratives of women in the Bible to women in the contemporary Church and Christian faith to form a perspective on women in ministry and Christian women today.
Course Materials
MAIN RESOURCE: Women in the Bible by Marina Hofman
Women in the Bible walks students through eight narratives of women in the Bible, giving attention to narrative features and provides reflections that relate the stories to the challenges we face today and how we can respond faithfully as Christians. Readers are encouraged and inspired to grow in their faith as they learn more about God’s word. Class time builds on the material by providing additional content and facilitating critical reflection on the themes and issues addressed by these stories.
Awards: 2022 Best Book Award for Biblical Studies by The Word Guild; 2022 Best Book Finalist award for Christian Living & Spiritual Formation, and Devotional by The Word Guild, 2021 Best Book Award Finalist by American Book Fest.
Additional Resources: Students need an English translation of the Bible [ESV, NIV (2011), RSV, NRSV, NET, or JPS].
Course Outline: Seven Weeks Plus Exam
Every week, we analyze Bible passages and characterization of women in the Bible alongside critically reflection on issues of vocational calling, identity, and the role of women in the Church today. Classes provide interactive lectures with class discussion.
Week 1
A. Introduction and Overview
B. Examine the narratives of key female characters throughout the Bible
C. Sarah and Hagar (Genesis 16)
Week 2
A. Biblical Narrative
B. Tamar (Genesis 38)
Week 3
A. Women in Ancient Near Eastern Context
B. The Midwives (Exodus 1)
C. Rahab (Josh 2)
Week 4
A. Vocational Calling and Identity
B. Naomi and Ruth
Week 5
A. Women in Greco-Roman Context
B. Hannah (1 Sam 1–2)
Week 6
A. Women in the New Testament Gospels
B. Esther
Week 7
A. Women in the Early Church
B. Mary, Mother of Jesus and narratives of other New Testament Women
Week 8
A. Review and Final Course Reflections
B. Spiritual Formation Essay
More Information
Learn about Southeastern University’s dual enrollment program here:
Email with any questions.