CVBF - Spiritual Formation Journal (Week 7)
This week you’ll be writing the spiritual formation journal entries and this is a class favorite. It’s a reflective assignment so no critical analysis is needed! So provide thoughtful reflections and you will do well.
Let me make a quick comment on the previous assignment. Some students feel frustrated with their marks on the Myth assignment. A common question is how can we give three to four strong points in such a few words. Well, this is a skill that is really needed in the next assignment too.
I suggest you write out the answer by hand first in point form. Then briefly form your points into sentences for the assignment. There are two benefits. First, today we can all type so fast that it’s easy to go on and on but it’s harder to write by hand, so we naturally change our mindset to try to be more concise. Second, it’s a bit easier, I think, to make sure you have three to four strong points when your work is in point form—if you only have one or two points then you know you need more content. And remember to put your points into full sentences for the assignments but you do not need any introduction or conclusion. Thanks everyone!