Week 4. Calling

Study Guide

What is the definition of calling?

Identify the five aspects of what it means to be a Christian that Dr Hofman presents.

What else does it mean to have an identity in God?

What is the first main aspect to knowing what we should pursue?

What are the three main spiritual disciplines that Dr Hofman highlights in order?

Note what Dr Hofman means by simplicity and silence.

What is the second aspect to knowing God’s calling in our lives?

Marina Hofman (PhD, theology)

Award-winning Bible scholar and survivor of a life-threatening trauma who brings messages of hope and encouragement. Follow Marina on Instagram @marinahofman and visit https://womeninthebible.info/marina

Marina es una galardona erudita de la Biblia y sobreviviente de un trauma que puso en peligro su vida. Ella trae mensajes de esperanza y animo. Siga a Marina en Instagram @marinahofman y visite https://womeninthebible.info/marina


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