Week 5. Women in the Greco-Roman Context

Study Guide

Where did the first Christians meet?

Who hosted the first early church meetings?

Note what was thought to belong to the sphere of men. Note what was thought to belong to the sphere of women.

Note the virtues attributed to men and the virtues attributed to women.

Did women have a role in public and political life?

What was women’s role in the early church?

What was the social ideal of a woman? What was the social ideal of a man?

Note what the veil represented and Paul’s instruction on wearing a veil in the church.

What does the verb authentein mean in non-biblical literature?

Note the opportunity for education for women in the Greco-Roman context. Read 1 Timothy 2 and be able to comment on how men and women are instructed to learn.

What is Paul’s teaching on marriage? Note who women and men are to submit to in marriage.

What is true spiritual leadership?

Marina Hofman (PhD, theology)

Award-winning Bible scholar and survivor of a life-threatening trauma who brings messages of hope and encouragement. Follow Marina on Instagram @marinahofman and visit https://womeninthebible.info/marina

Marina es una galardona erudita de la Biblia y sobreviviente de un trauma que puso en peligro su vida. Ella trae mensajes de esperanza y animo. Siga a Marina en Instagram @marinahofman y visite https://womeninthebible.info/marina


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