Week 6. Women in the Gospels

Study Guide

Know who the following women are and what the New Testament says about them: Mary, Elizabeth, Anna, Salome, Joanna, Mary Magdalene, Mary and Martha of Bethany, the mother-in-law of Peter, the woman with the bleeding problem, the widow of Nain, the Samaritan woman, the woman who gave an offering at the temple, and the woman that anointed Jesus.

Know the key role of the Galilean women and their role in ministering to Jesus.

Know the overall role of women in the Gospels.

Marina Hofman (PhD, theology)

Award-winning Bible scholar and survivor of a life-threatening trauma who brings messages of hope and encouragement. Follow Marina on Instagram @marinahofman and visit https://womeninthebible.info/marina

Marina es una galardona erudita de la Biblia y sobreviviente de un trauma que puso en peligro su vida. Ella trae mensajes de esperanza y animo. Siga a Marina en Instagram @marinahofman y visite https://womeninthebible.info/marina


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